On Wednesday, we spent a long day in airports and airplanes trying to get to Phoenix to visit Christi. I was nervous in the first place about him being confined in a little tiny airplane and the ear pressure issues... since he can't really chew gum with 4 1/2 teeth!
Anyway, when we got to the airport at 7:00am on Wednesday, I was told the airport was closed and that they had no idea when we would be flying out (our flight was supposed to leave at 8:10am). So, striving to be the calm mom that I want to be, I went ahead and sat down with Braxton for a wait. And we waited until after 11am to leave. And Braxton was an angel - he just munched on some yogurt and Cheerios... oh, and mauled the other people waiting for their flights. Luckily, Braxton is super cute...
So, the next hurdle was the flight. And again, Braxton pulled through wonderfully. He didn't even fuss, in fact I think he really enjoyed the take off. He also really enjoyed the passenger next to us - a very nice man named Brian who works for the Sheriff Department. Braxton practically leapt into his arms and started playing with the zipper on his coat, and chatted happily with Brian. I was slightly embarrassed, but Brian was very sweet about all of it, and talked about his own 18 month baby boy. Other than a slight emabarrassment, it was successful.
We land in SLC around 12:30pm and find out that we missed our connecting flight (which was at 11:15am), and that they have saved us a seat on the 9:15 PM flight. And that there are no available seats on any flights leaving before then. But, I am 6th on the standby list for the 2:55pm flight. So, at this point, I have to admit that calm, collected mom was starting to break down - I almost burst into tears right there. Luckily, I was able to keep my compo
sure for Braxton's sake. I then decided that the best thing for us to do was to have some greasy airport food - which we did (I have the pimples to prove it). I also had two tall glasses of cold Coca-Cola (which I desperately needed to help ease my growing headache). So with full tummies, a prayer in my heart, and determination to cry if necessary we went to the ticket counter and asked to see if there was any way possible to get on the 2:55pm flight. And this amazing girl just did it. She gave us a confirmed seat and she didn't even make me beg or cry for it! I was feeling pretty awesome about the whole situation - even when I found out that the flight was actually delayed until 4:25pm (it's still better than 9PM!). Braxton managed to take a nap in my arms at the airport (which, first of all, he has never fallen asleep in my arms, and secondly, he even slept in a public place, which he usually never does!) I was so glad that he did, as it gave me a little bit to watch all of the other children screaming and crying - and so I counted my many blessings and looked at my sweet baby boy in my arms.
The next great thing is that we actually got to board the plane and fly out ahead of the delayed schedule, so we got to Phoenix around 5:30pm. And again, Braxton did amazing! He charmed all the people around us with his sweet smile, and great little giggle. And everyone commented on how good of a baby he was. However, he did try to get his little paws on the alcoholic beverage the guy next to us was drinking... but luckily, was unsuccessful.
When we finally landed and got our baggage (which amazingly arrived!), Christi took us out to dinner for my 25th birthday (not my 30th, as some are determined to believe). Braxton did have a little bit of a meltdown at dinner, but still not as bad as I was expecting! I just know I have the best little boy ever and I am so grateful for him!
Great job on your blog! I miss you guys and can't wait to see you in a week. Love ya tons.
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