A few weekends ago I went to an Art Show with my mom. Most of it was the usual - stuff I would buy, but it's not in the budget; stuff I would buy, but I'm too cheap; and stuff I wouldn't buy for anyone on this planet, and of course, the usual unusual people.
At one of the booths, was some really unique pottery. My mom absolutely loves pottery, and has managed to collect quite a bit - so, of course, I'm always on the lookout for a gift for her. I also enjoy pottery, but have never really collected any.
The reason this pottery so unique was that it was personalized! The artists had several plates on display with different names and dates and occasions - births, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, retirements - it was very unique! These are just a few of the pieces...
If you are interested in looking at more, check out their website: Personalized Pottery
I l-o-v-e those personalized pieces! what a great gift idea.
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